We are Ekan. A company that makes safe, secure, and reliable AI systems for robotics using quantum computing.

We believe quantum computing technology is the key to empowering AI, AGI, and ASI. Quantum computing provides benefits such as 1000x cost savings and energy usage when combined with AI. AGI and ASI will require much more computing power, quantum computing, which explains why we believe our approach will pave the way for a quantum-first future for AGI and ASI.


We provide an interface to interact with enterprise and consumer robotics. In order to understand how this works, let's take a look at an example. Firstly, the client creates a prompt that suits his purpose, in this case a wearhouse bot stacking boxes. In order to run the bot, the client sends the prompt, the scene snapshot, other sensor data, and the robot's rigged 3D model. After analyzing this data, our API will determine the next sequence of actions the bot should take based on its rig, prompt, and scene. Using our example, the bot could reach the box, grab it, and stack it.

In spite of the fact that our product is in words, we plan to roll out functional systems by mid-2024, and we plan to expand our reach to games in the form of non-playable characters, providing users with a surreal experience in games.


We intend to operate across a wide range of robotic systems around the world. Our systems and approach are aligned with three key values: Safety, Transparency, and Quality, to ensure a safe and reliable experience for everyone.

Our top priority is safety because we determine how the bots should operate and what actions they should take. To prevent things from going wrong, we keep copies of the current scene and simulate it with predicted actions. In the event that any harm is detected during simulation, the call will be rejected.

We strive to publish, interact, and build, grow, and win with the ground-breaking products and discoveries of clients, enterprises, and people around the world. Each time we conduct research or close a project, we will publish it on our registry at a select time to help our community grow.

"Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles." – Steve Jobs

Last but not least, quality. Ekan places a very high emphasis on quality. It is our goal to make sure that all data is accurate, all interfaces are easy to use, and all products are of the highest quality. As a result, we have rigorous processes in place to test and verify our work.


Before initiating any venture, we will research, verify the validity of information, and document every step of the way. All documents and related information will be published in our public research index and arxiv once the venture is released.

We conduct research to help individuals and businesses benefit from new findings. Our findings in the fields of quantum, artificial intelligence, and robotics will hopefully aid in accelerating and sparking new innovations.


We build the future, so we want individuals who are passionate about the future, work for the future, and make the future. Unfortunately, our position listing is not available at the moment. We are, however, always open to new positions - just send us an email!
